young adult ministry


As the young adult ministry at New Highland, we strive to grow closer in community and in Christ. We hope to encourage discipleship, promote leadership, and empower young adults to share the gospel. We also want to create a community for those who are too old for the youth, but too young for the older adults. It is this age group in which we hope to encourage and empower as they begin their independent lives.

What we offer



- 9:15 a.m. - Beyond Sunday School

- 5:30-7:00 p.m. - Life Nights; A time for worship, games, bible study, community, missions, and more!


- 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Mid-Week Encounter; a break in the middle of the week for youth to engage in community, bible study, and different projects

Special Events

- Mission Trips, Retreats, Movie Nights, etc. will be updated on the church calendar- keep an eye out for important dates!

****times and events are apt to change during the COVID-19 period

For any questions call New Highland Baptist Church - 804-550-9601