First Steps to Faith


A Christian is one who follows Christ. Perhaps the most important word in the Christian faith is “love.” The Gospel of John, chapter 3, verse 16, says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son (Jesus), so that whoever puts his/her trust in him will be saved.” That’s pretty simple. Put your faith in Jesus Christ, God’s son, and you will be saved, you will become a Christian. 

Christians talk about going to Heaven when they die. That’s a wonderful promise. But even life here on earth is enhanced through a relationship with Jesus Christ. One of the things Jesus said when he lived in human form was, “I have come so that they (Jesus’ followers) might have life, a full and abundant life.” (John 10:10)

One of the reasons there’s so much misery here on earth is because of sin. The Bible tells us, “All have sinned and have missed the greatness of God.” (Romans 3:23) Sin is a choice. We can choose to follow Christ and live our lives as God’s children. Or we can choose to follow our own way. Choosing our own way is called sin. But God sent his Son to pay the price for our sin. 1 Peter 3:18 says, “Christ suffered and died for sins once for all… He died in order to bring us to God.” 

That was not the end of the story. “Christ was buried. But He was raised from the dead three days later.” (1 Corinthians 15:4) God raised Jesus from death and He lives today! All of that because God loves us! All that God asks is that a man or woman repent of his or her sins, turn from them and accept the sacrifice Christ made on the cross for those sins. 

If you want to become a Christian, there are just three simple steps to take: 

  1. Decide you don’t want to continue to sin. Making this decision is called “repentance.”
  2. Believe what the Bible says: Jesus died on the cross, taking the blame for your sins. He rose from the dead and lives today as your Lord and Savior. Believing this with all your heart is called “faith.” 
  3. Ask Jesus to take control of your life. 

You might pray a prayer like this: “God, I know I have sinned. I want you to forgive me. I know that your Son Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I believe that he rose from the dead. I want you to take control of my life right now. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.” 

The Bible says, “If you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved from the punishment of sin.” (Romans 10:9) What a great promise! 

If you’ve made such a decision, we’d love to know about it. We will be glad to meet with you or offer counsel. Our staff will be glad to pray with you and help you in this new journey of your life! We can also provide some additional resources for you. Let us know by writing, calling, or sending an e-mail message. 

God bless you!